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In the preceding subsection, we have not been explained what ``sheafification''
really means. Here is the definition.
LEMMA 06.12
be a presheaf on a topological space
Then there exists a sheaf
and a presheaf morphism
such that the following property holds.
- If there is another sheaf
with a presheaf morphism
then there exists a unique sheaf homomorphism
such that
Furthermore, such
is unique.
The sheaf

(together with

is called the sheafification of

The proof of Lemma 6.12 is divided in steps.
The first step is to know the uniqueness of such sheafification.
It is most easily done by using universality arguments.
([#!Lang1!#] has a short explanation on this topic.)
Then we divide the sheafification process in two steps.
LEMMA 06.14 (First step of sheafification)
be a presheaf on a topological space
Then for each open set
we may define a equivalence relation on
Then we define
is a presheaf that satisfies the locality axiom
of a sheaf. There is also a presheaf homomorphism from
. Furthermore,
is universal among such.
Proofs of the above two lemma are routine work
and are left to the reader.
Finish of the proof of Lemma 6.12:
We put
Next: stalk of a presheaf
Up: Resolutions of singularities.
Previous: example of presheaves and